Caden Manson and Big Art Group have published the goings on with their organization via newsletter. If you are lucky enough to be in the same location across the pond be sure to check them out.
MoreBig Art Group websiteBig Art Group on MySpaceRelatedThe Wooster GroupRob Roth on YouTube  |  | HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dear Friends of Big Art Group, Thanks for being such an important influence and all the generous donations last year. I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on our past years’ activities, plans for the future and to invite you to become a part of the experimentation and performance by considering a year-end tax-deductible contribution to Big Art Group this season. No amount is too small -- and every amount makes a big difference. We need your financial support to continue to bring experimental American performance to audiences worldwide! Best Wishes for the New Year, Caden Manson & Jemma Neslon | | 2007 Wrap Up We started off ‘07 by presenting DEAD SET #3 at the Kitchen with some of the best reviews we’ve received yet from the New York Press: TimeOut NY called the piece “visually and sonically ravishing...leaving you rattled, amazed and perhaps a little queasy;” and the NYTimes described the performance as “an orgy of theater itself seems under assault." The production was a partnership with the Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin, MAC Creteil and the Festival d’Automne in Paris. After our successful run in NYC we toured the piece to Belgium, Germany and Austria. Last spring the company took an exciting new direction with THE PEOPLE. After a residency in Polverigi, Italy, Big Art Group produced a site specific performance that involved the community of this close-knit italian town. The results were so positive that we’ll be repeating the project at Theater der Welt in Germany next June 2008. | | 2008 In January we start another big year with a commissioned premiere of “CINEMA FURY: THE IMITATION” as part of the 100th anniversary of The Hebbel Am Ufer in Berlin. We are very pleased and honored that the Hebbel commissioned us to help celebrate their anniversary. For 2008 we are working on two other new projects, SOS (a coproduction with the Vienna Festival) and THE PEOPLE for Theater der Welt 2008 in Halle, Germany. Both promise to be as creative and innovative as our audiences have come to expect! | | HELP MAKE THE WORK HAPPEN Your individual donation makes all this possible. We need your help to achieve our goals. We need funds for equipment, rents, salaries, and other day-to-day operations as well as for the continuous cycle of creation and experimentation. Please send a check, or even easier, donate online via the links below. Checks can be mailed to Big Art Group, PO BOX 1034, New York, NY 10276. Please support the arts, creativity, and critical thinking and make a contribution to Big Art Group. Donate --> | | BIG ART SPACE Are you on Myspace? We are! Come join our page for an inside look at Big Art Group. Check back often for pictures and video of us on tour and in rehearsal. Big Art Space -> | | INTERN Join an international dynamic team of interns working with Big Art Group. We offer internships based around your interests as well as needs for the company. We are also always looking to expand our base of performers and lighting, set, and costume designers, please send work samples and resumés to info(at)bigartgroup(dot)com. Always include a cover letter to let us know your specific interests and experience. INTERN -> | | CHECK OUT If you're in NYC this January, check out these other performances... Under The Radar Festival (January 9 - 20, 2008) Crime or Emergency (Janaury 11-13, 2008) Everyone (January 14 & 15, 2008) Maybe Forever (January 30 - Febuary 2, 2008) | | THANK YOU! Thanks to our funders, supporters, co-producers, and host theatres who made Big Art Group 2007 possible: Theaterworks - Singapore, Hebbel Am Ufer, Festival d’Automne, MAC Creteil, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Donau Festival, de Singel, Inteatro, IFA, The Greenwall Foundation, Kings Fountain Foundation, ONDA, Florence Gould Foundation and étant donnés: The French-American Fund for the Performing Arts, James Davison, and Diane White. Board of Directors • James Davison • Cyd Margulies • Caden Manson • Jemma Nelson • Kim Gill | Caden Manson / Big Art Group Caden Manson & Jemma Nelson - Artistic Directors PO BOX 1034, New York, New York, 10276 | |
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