24 November 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving was different for me this year in that I remained in Austin. Since 1998 I have traveled to London to visit my friends and it has now come to be tradition. With the price of the dollar to the pound and the fact that Kyle and Dan, who I usually stay with, are traveling in Australia and New Zealand, there was no other wise choice but to hang out with family and local friends.

Rebecca and I ate dinner with our parents at their place and then headed over to Chip and Sioban's for a second meal and gathering. There was tons of food at both places and I was thoroughly stuffed; so much so that I only nibbled at my second meal. I drank plenty of beer and everyone rocked out to the video game 'Rock Band' which is the same as guitar hero but with a bass, drums and microphone. Afer a few ditties from Hole and The Clash, Sioban took the microphone and showed everyone how it was done by busting out some Beastie Boys.

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving 2007 @ Casa de Pumphrey.

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Unknown said...

Brady - you were much missed this year but at least we were able to see you over the summer. We'll have to make up for it next year in London again with some big celebrations! Cheers - Kyle and Dan

jennifer said...

This time last year I was totally blowing-out my hair dryer, drinking room-temp ale, singing some crazy-ass late night Karaoke, eating fish and chips instead of turkey, cheese and Marmite sandwiches instead of Special-K, meeting a bunch of amazing new people, sleeping with the window open, popping pro-pain,Rockin it with Jake and Ana/ Idina.... getting my passport/driver's license/cash/brand new Louis Vuitton stolen.....and LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!
I miss you. Happy (belated) Turkey Day!!